This is a picture of my hand in the sun holding a tomato on the Golden Gate Bridge. Last week I spent some long, bright days hiking and climbing in the sunny hills and long valleys of northern California with sweet old friends. Summer is here and the promise of good produce is upon us. Hooray! Most anticipated is the tomato. These delicious fruits are delights in their season and were rulers of our plates on my visit to golden California. Stuff with chickpea salad or enjoy an unencumbered slice drizzled with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.
This beefy heirloom variety was plated with a circle of fresh basil leaves and a hefty crank of freshly ground pepper. A vegan caprese of sorts! You won't miss the mozzarella, I promise. It seems my old minolta is having a problem- all of my photos have this big black blur on the bottom- any film people have advice?
Three cheers for summer!